Thursday, September 3, 2009

Countdown to Halloween!!

If anyone knows our family really well, they know we absolutely LOVE halloweeen! In fact, we love it so much that we planned Miley's c-section on halloween. (and she almost didn't make that date-but that's another story.) So, September is perfect time to start getting in to the Fall spirit. Hence, my background change. (allyson-I did it all by myself) We wish we were in new england area sometimes, (i do in the summer when it is so stinkin hot), or I wish we were in the mountains in wyoming. However, this is not he case. We are smack dab in the middle of a tropical, humid, often stormy...FLORIDA!!! Vanir is the one who holds us here-against our will! :) I like being close to my family tho, but he lived in New Jersey and of course when we had to choose where to live when we were getting married he was happy to choose Florida. He said when I drove him over the skyway bridge, when I picked him up from the airport, that is when he was sold on Florida. On the island we were famous for our yard sculptures at halloween. We always used them as landmarks in the fall. ("yea, take a right at the spider on 26th st!") We often had tourist taking pictures in front of our house! I was flattered, Vanir would give them the, "hey, get out of our yard!" look thru the window. (they often threw their beer bottles and drinks in our yard.) Now, with our new home, I am so excited to start decorating! I even have the spider legs in the attic. I had to fight hard to keep those last year. On the island I just got new legs every year b/c they were so easy to come by with all the tourists. When I knew we were moving I packed them. ( I use noodles for the pool) He gave me that look when he saw them taped up. I won that fight tho!!!! HA! Stay tuned for pics of my home transformation. I already have alot of things purchased. I learned that Goodwill here is a great place to look. So, get decorating people and........HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE!!!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Before and Afters of my SALON

I have been working hard on my garage salon. It is coming along little by little. I realized I havenot posted anything here. (It's all on facebook) I got new business cards and headshots and window clings(which I can't find) and I am feeling like I am finally getting things done around here. I have picked up 3 color clients now too and that makes me feel good b/c I made 0 effort to get them. It's all about opening your mouth. I, fortunately, am VERY good at that! I hope that once I am official and get my floors and A/C on I should be able to really get people in here. To be continued.......