Friday, January 9, 2009

Cool Mom Points!!!!!

Last nite we went to Mariah and Carl Reynold's house for a gator game party. It was fun. We got home after midnight and settled to sleep at 1am. So today is Friday. Payson got a 100% on his spelling test wednesday so he doesn't have to take it today. Gabs has a substitute b/c her teacher is a gator alumni. Sooooooo....translation? Mom gave the kids a skip day today. Yeah, I'm cool. I'm awesome. I made the kids repeat---"who is the awesomest mom in the whole planet world?????? "YOU ARE!!!!!!"
I did 4 haircuts during the game, which I usually enjoy. However everyone was yellling and jumping up, I almost stabbed a few of my clients! I seriously did! I like socializing and 3 of the 4 didn't talk much. Anyways, It was fun. Mariah had plenty of room for everyone , good food,and we even played a few games of slamwich while we were there. It was weird tho b/c it wasn't until the ride home I asked Vanir who won and he said the gators. No one even said anything. I mean these guys were loud and jumping around and no one yelled when they won. Or maybe I just zoned it all out by the end of the game. I brought the camera to take pics and put them on of the blog, but i was cutting hair and never got around to it. Oh well. I love all these get togethers. Can't wait to have one of my own!

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